2021 in Reflection

A bit late to the party to post a year that’s been post (with a resolution to be more on top of them!), but nonetheless I wanted to just reflect on some of the incredible moments in 2021 an how massive (both challenging and rewarding) of a year it was for me in so many different ways bit of a long post which I’ll also chuck on my website

Compositionally, i had my first commission ever debuted by Divisi Chamber Singers for “Syrup and Silicone”, which was a surreal experience that I will always be indebted for. I also had my first debut performance in the Melbourne Recital Centre Salon (Kammerklang) by the incomparable Milly Jones and Stefan Cassomenos alongside a program of incredible Australian composers such as Caerwen Martin (who I’ve dreamed for a very long time to have my name next to in a program especially in the MRC salon!!). Everyone made it more than I could ever imagine and I’m so grateful for it

I had my first state debut in Sydney with a performance by the incredible Anna Fraser and Jack Symonds, my first Canadian debut by the amazing Paula Thomas Arcady (last pic: with my face on a billboard in Canada!! ) and also hugely my first European debut in Vienna Austria by the breathtaking Trio Immersio as part of the 2021 Iceberg New Music Institute.

I also undertook the Australian Youth Orchestra 2021 National Composition Program with an awesome cohort of composers and incredible mentor Anne Cawrse. It was challenging to output a lot of new music on harder and sometimes faster deadlines than previous ones in my music-uni days, and really forced me to dig deep whilst also acknowledging my limits. Alongside these programs I also got 3 formal commissions this year from Victorian Youth Symphony Orchestra; Melbourne Saxophone; and The Our Lady of Sion Boxhill College Wind Band respectively - which have been so enriching in their own ways, and whilst delayed due to covid-19, I am so excited to see them (hopefully!) come to life with their premieres this 2022

After a whirlwind of lockdowns, one of my bestest friends Nicole Marshall also managed to sneak in a live performance in her end of year bachelors recital, performing “Intercept” (2020) but arranged for soprano saxophone, which was just something that meant the world to me especially in such an important moment for her

On different musical side, Laura Abraham and I got to interview our past mentor and good friend Stuart Greenbaum for “Take Note: Interviews with Australian Composers” edited by Madeline Roycroft. It was a beautiful moment and experience, and humbling to be included in a momentous publication Additionally, I have worked and continue to work alongside one of my favourite composers and educators Katy Abbott in a digital content marketing, which has been inspiring to say the least!!

There are too many people to thank for all the support I’ve had and continue to have, and I am truly so grateful to have such beautiful family, friends and colleagues and more invested in my journey. A motto about metaphorical chewing by Susan Eldrige (Notable Values : Change Your Tune) really got me through this year, but has also made me learn about myself too. Doing all this alongside a full-time law degree and casual work is intense but I could never detach from this career and world that fulfills me so so much thanks for everything everyone and I cannot wait for what’s in store for this 2022!!


Winner! No Divide KC International 2022 Art Song Competition


Take Note: Interviews with Australian Composers, edited by Madeline Roycroft